Introducing "Drag Me by the Hair," a newly released track inspired by the overturning of the Wade v. Roe law. This controversial ruling has left many speechless, feeling as though the rug has been pulled out from under them. As we grapple with the implications, one thing is clear: pushing healthcare into the backstreets puts lives at risk!
WeLCoMe To oUr WOrlD; crafted by the talented designer Sara Wright, inspired by the social commentary and thought-provoking lyrics of 50mEtHiNgS music, each artwork is a testament to the passion and creativity behind the music. Drawing influence from the avant-garde art movement of DaDa, the designs aim to challenge convention and spark conversation. LEaRn MoRE about Sara and Paul's dynamic artist collaboration.
Music is my salvation! I'm PaUL jEnNeR, a skilled & dedicated MuSicIaN, composer & singer songwriter based in LoNdON. Follow my journey via mY bLOg.
Track: Drag me by the hair
Written, arranged & performed by: Paul Jenner (50mething)
Mixed and mastered by: Sefi Carmel
Released: April 2024