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Grafitti art shows a mural of George Flyod with the wrods 'I can't breath'
A nurse in uniform and wearing a face mask leans in a corridor head in hands during the time of the covid pandemic
A protest in America, supporters of womens rights wave anners and plaqards

I don't know about you, but aLl ThESe tHIngS... they keep me up at night, swirling around my mind like a storm of chaos and confusion. Hi, I'm Paul Jenner, a SocIAl cOmMenTarY musician on a mission to shed light on the serious and crazy issues plaguing our world today, taking inspiration from CuRrEnT EvenTs, I create tracks that can be highly EmoTIonAL whilst also being dIveRSe and thought PrOvOKinG.

ABoUt 50meThINg

50meThiNg is the creative alter ego of London musician, composer, producer, singer songwriter Paul Jenner. I specialise in producing music that is both captivating and original. 


You always remember the music you grew up with, and the impact it has on a young mind. I remember the Beatles and the Carpenters. I remember the Human league as a teenager. Going to America and discovering Nat King Cole. The biggest impact for me was 1999 by the late Prince who, along with Stevie Wonder would both be my main sources of influence.


With a huge passion for music in an uncertain world. I feel sorry for younger people today. The state of global issues. The same mistakes being made.

"You could take two children from anywhere in the world, whose minds haven’t been poisoned, and they would play happily - not hate each other. "


AlL ThEse ThiNGs

My first album, a double part CD entitled aLl TheSe THinGs was released on CD in April 2024. The music is in response to life over the last four years, I hope you'll take a moment to listen. 


Part one addresses events from the heartbreaking murder of Sarah Everard to the senseless violence in Ukraine, and the tragic death of George Floyd, these are not just headlines to me—they're the raw material for my art. But it doesn't stop there. The epidemic of school shootings, the rampant sharing of compromising images online—the list goes on, and it's enough to make you want to scream.

So I channel my frustration into 50mething powerful.


In part two of my journey, I dive even deeper into the madness. From the devastating impact of Covid-19 on our NHS to the insidious rise of social media-induced self-harm, no stone is left unturned. And let's not forget about the planet—our beautiful home, under siege from all sides. But amidst the chaos, there are moments of hope. I explore the beauty and resilience of same-sex relationships, tackle the scourge of bullying, and reflect on the weighty responsibility of taking care of our children—the future of humanity.

So join me on this rollercoaster ride of emotion and enlightenment as we navigate the highs and lows of the human experience together. Strap in, because it's going to be one hell of a journey!

Music equipment
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